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02-08 17:41
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[balmori associates] botanical research institute of texas 본문

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[balmori associates] botanical research institute of texas

상냥한 민트 2010. 7. 16. 09:51
balmori associates: botanical research institute of texas

botanical research institute of texas by balmori associates
all images courtesy balmori associates
balmori associates의 텍사스 식물 연구소
모든 이미지는 balmori associates의 제공입니다.

construction has begun on the 48 million USD, 69 000 square foot facility for
the botanical research institute of texas, an international cultural and scientific center
for conservation.
보존을 위한 세계적인 문화와 과학센터인 텍사스 식물 연구소는
48,000,000달러와 69만평방피트 시설로 건설이 시작되었다.

in may 2005 the botanical research institute of texas commisioned american firm
balmori associates to design a working landscape for their new facilities in fort worth,
2005년 5월, 텍사스 식물연구소는 텍사스 포트워스에서 조경작업에 그들의 새로운 능력을 디자인할, 
미국회사인 balmori associates에게 위임되었다.

in their design they incorporated the adjacent fort worth botanic garden parking lot to
serve both institutions. taking on a central and unifying role, the parking lot will be
more than an asphalt desert. the parking system gathers, filters and reuses rain water
on site, provides shade under the canopy of species native to north central texas and operates
as an open air botanical laboratory. the site is laid out in spines of research fields, rain
gardens and braided pathways so that the parking experience is transformed into a walk
through research field along a tree shaded and richly planted environment.

aerial view

the various pathways

living facade

living facade

living facade

living facade

site plan

출처 : http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/8662/balmori-associates-botanical-research-institute-of-texas.html